Kamala Harris’s False Claims on Trump Economy Exposed by Left-Leaning CNN

Kamala Harris has become the subject of ridicule once again, but this time even the staunch left-leaning media outlet CNN has called her out. During an interview on MSNBC, she made the audacious claim that Donald Trump left the nation with the worst economy since the Great Depression, particularly regarding employment figures. However, her assertion quickly fell apart under scrutiny.

In her conversation with Stephanie Ruhle, the clueless vice president tried to pin the blame for massive job losses on the former president, suggesting that before the pandemic, Trump was responsible for a loss of at least 200,000 manufacturing jobs. But Ruhle, sensing an opportunity to hold her accountable, reminded Harris that the employment crisis stemmed from the harsh government shutdowns during COVID-19, not a manufacturing exodus under Trump. Against the backdrop of Ruhle’s interjection, Harris doubled down on her original claim, but alas, facts are stubborn things.

CNN’s fact-checking found that instead of losing jobs, Trump actually oversaw a net gain of 414,000 manufacturing positions from the time he took office in January 2017 until February 2020, just before the pandemic wreaked havoc on the economy. Harris’s reliance on dubious figures illuminated her struggles with reality, as it became painfully clear that her assertion was fabricated. In fact, throughout Trump’s presidency, the total loss amounted to only 178,000 manufacturing jobs. It didn’t take a detective to piece together the truth — just a willingness to look at the statistics.

The increase in manufacturing jobs under Trump contradicts the narrative that Kamala and her fellow Democrats desperately try to spin. Amid rising inflation, surging energy costs, and stagnant wages under the current administration, it is obvious that Harris’s attempts to redirect blame are nothing more than feeble attempts to obscure the glaring failures of Bidenomics. Instead of offering meaningful solutions, she’s serving up vague platitudes about an “opportunity economy” and “holistic” strategies that leave most Americans scratching their heads. These buzzwords are inadequate in the face of rising costs that eat away at family budgets across the country.

This push to rewrite economic history seems like a poorly constructed smokescreen, especially as Trump connects with everyday Americans who feel the impact of economic policy choices. Just this week, he was seen assisting a mother with her groceries at a Pennsylvania store, showcasing real compassion and understanding for what working-class citizens experience. While Trump builds rapport with the average voter, Harris huffs and puffs without connecting with those whom her policies have directly harmed. It’s hard to believe she can position herself as a champion for the people when she clearly struggles to grasp the truth about the conditions they face daily.

The ramifications are clear: Democrats are alienating rural and working-class voters who once had faith in their party’s ability to deliver the American dream. Harris epitomizes a party unwilling to own up to its own failures while desperately attempting to falsify history. If this disingenuous behavior continues, it seems certain that the Democrats’ hold on working Americans is in serious jeopardy, and with it, their chances for future success.

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