WATCH: ABC Cuts Away from Biden Right after He Makes Embarrassing Remark

In a funny clip that was discovered and posted to social media right after it came out on the night of June 27, when President Joe Biden spoke at a campaign event in Atlanta after the disastrously bad debate between him and former President Donald Trump, MSM channel ABC News cut away from Biden as he trotted out his embarrassing “dog-faced pony soldier” line.

As background, Biden was first mocked for using the line when he used it in a 2020 campaign event. That came when a New Hampshire voter asked him, “How do you explain the performance in Iowa, and why should voters believe that you can win the national election?” He asked if she had “ever been to a caucus” before. She indicated she had, to which Biden said: “No, you haven’t. You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier.”

He was then mocked for using that line, but then trotted it out again when speaking at the Atlanta campaign event more recently. That came toward the beginning of his speech, as he said, “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. I appreciate it. You’ve been here the whole time. I see it. I see that d- — patch there.”

He continued, first bringing up the movie from which the line came, saying, “Look, folks, you know, there — I shouldn’t say this, but my brother always uses lines from movies. There was a famous movie by John Wayne, and — and he’s working for the — the Northern military trying to get the Apaches back on the reservation, and they were lying like hell to him.”

Then, getting to the line as he continued describing the movie, President Biden said, “And they’re all sitting on a bluff, and John Wayne was sitting with two Indian — they were — they were tr- — Apaches. And one of them looked at John Wayne and said, ‘These guys are nothing but lying, dog-faced pony soldier.’” It was as he used that line that ABC cut away.

President Biden then tried to connect that to former President Donald Trump, calling him a “liar” and saying his debate claims would be fact-checked (ironically, it was Biden who was brutally fact-checked, namely over a claim he made about soldiers). Biden said, “Except, he’s just a liar. Look, folks, what’s going to happen over the next couple days is they’re going to be — they’re going to be out there fact-checking all the things he said.”

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