WATCH: Hulk Hogan Roasts Biden at RNC, Rips off his Shirt

Professional wrestling star Hulk Hogan made a stunning entrance to his highly anticipated speech on day four of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Hogan approached the microphone, donning his classic bandana and sunglasses.  However, Hogan would not remain fully clothed for long as he would rip off his shirt, revealing a Trump-Vance 2024 tank top.

Hogan opened his speech, “Well, let me tell you something, brother, you know something, when I came here tonight, there was so much energy in this room, I felt maybe I was a massive swear garden getting ready To win another world title. Or maybe I thought the vibe was so intense, the energy was so crazy, it felt like maybe I was gonna press that no good sticky giant over my head and slam him through the mat, brother. But what I found out was I was in a room for real Americans, brother. And at the end of the day, with our leader up there, my hero, that Gladiator, we’re going to bring America back together.”

The pro-wrestler foresaw a bright four years ahead, where Trump’s supporters would be “running wild.”  “You know, even though you guys are real Americans, you better get ready, because when Donald J Trump becomes the President of the United States, all the real Americans are going to be nicknamed Trumpites, because, because all the Trumpites are going to be running wild for four years,” he said.

Easily, the climax of his speech was when he addressed the recent assassination attempt on Trump and tore his shirt off to reveal the patriotic tank top. “But what happened last week when they took a shot at my hero and they tried to kill the next President of the United States. Enough was enough. And I said Let Trump-a-mania run wild, brother. Let Trump-a-mania. Rule again. Let Trump-a-mania. Trump-a-mania Make America great again,” he proclaimed.

Hogan, whose real name is Terry Bollea, noted that he has typically tried to stay out of politics but can no longer do so, given the state of the country.  “And as an entertainer, I tried to stay out of politics, but after everything that’s happened to our country over the past four years and everything that happened last weekend, I can no longer stay silent,” he said. “I’m here tonight because I want the world to know that Donald Trump is a real American hero, and I’m proud to support my hero as the next president of this United States.”

The wrestler illustrated how American life was much better under the Trump administration, calling on voters to revive the American Dream in November.  “This November guys, we can say the American Dream for everyone, and Donald Trump is the president who will get the job done. So all you criminals, all you lowlifes, all you scumbags, all you drug dealers and all you crooked politicians need to answer one question, brother, what you’re gonna do when Donald Trump and all the Trump maniacs run wild on you, brother,” he concluded.  “God bless you and thank you.”

Watch his speech below:

Note:  The featured image is a screenshot from the embedded video.

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