“Cognitive Mess”: Trump Roasts Biden after Awful Debate, Calls for Him to Take Cognitive Test

Never one to pull a punch when in attack mode, former President Donald Trump went on the attack against President Joe Biden after Biden’s awful debate performance, arguing that President Biden needs to take a cognitive test because he is a “cognitive mess.” Trump’s remark about the cognitive test first came during their Thursday, June 27 debate.

During the debate, as background, former President Trump said, “I took two tests, cognitive tests. I aced them, both of them, as you know, we made it public. He took none. I’d like to see him take one, just one, a real easy one, like go through the first five questions. He couldn’t do it.”

Then, in his Monday, July 1 post on Truth Social, Trump brought the issue back up. In his post about Biden, he said, “Only three things could have been the reason that Crooked Joe Biden, the President in the history of the United States, failed so badly at the debate Thursday night. THEY WERE: 1) “TRUMP WAS REALLY GREAT!” In all fairnes and I say in complete and total modesty, many, on both sides of the politici spectrum, have said it was the greatest single debate performance in the l and storied history of Presidential Debates. Thank you! 2) CROOKED JOE “CHOKED” LIKE A DOG. 3) JOE IS A COGNITIVE MESS!”

Shortly afterward, Trump said that he doesn’t feel bad for Biden because Biden weaponized the judiciary against him. He wrote, “If Biden weren’t such a bad guy, including the total WEAPONIZATION OF GOVERNMENT AGAINST HIS POLITICAL OPPONENT (Me!), I’D FEEL SORRY HIM. BUT HE IS A VERY BAD GUY! DJT”

Then, in another, very similar post just a few hours later, Trump said, “Another attack by Crooked Joe Biden against his Political Opponent. This is a really bad and incompetent guy. Wanted to deflect from his horrible campaign performance!” Similarly, he added a few hours later, “Crooked Joe Biden spied on my campaign, took money from foreign governments, made some of the worst policy and military decisions in USA history, WEAPONIZED INJUSTICE, and is our WORST PRESIDENT EVER. He is killing our Country, a Total Loser!!! DJT”

Further, bringing the debate and Biden’s poor performance back up, Trump said, “Biden’s Debate performance was rated poor, with an arrow pointing left. That means it was Less than Poor. Mine was rated, “the best in the history of Presidential Debates.” In other words, there is a BIG GAP for Crooked Joe to make up, and with his mind and memory completely shot, and marbles in his mouth, it’s not going to happen!”

Watch Biden’s “lowlights” from the debate here:

The White House, for its part, maintains that Biden is healthy. President Biden’s physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, said after the president’s physical that he was “successfully execute the duties of the presidency.” The White House press release on Biden’s health added, “President Biden is a healthy, active 81-year-old male, who remains fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency, to include those as Chief Executive, Head of State and Commander in Chief.”

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